****All purple text are direct quotes from Lysa****
Chapter 16 God's Portion, Position and Promise
I'll start with a quote: Understanding God's portion, position, and promise will be key as we progress from the death phase to the sweet promised land of resurrection.
God provides exactly what we need. Just as Lusa illustrated how God provided Manna for the Israelites, He does the same for us. It's not manna but maybe it's patience or wisdom. Perhaps it's a financial windfall or just the right babysitter. He knows what we need and He will supply it.
Lysa stated that "It's easy to get so consumed with our promised land that we forget the promise Maker." "Ask yourself this question: What do I want more than anything else? If your answer is anything other than more of God in my life, then you are worshipping an idol of some sort. About a year ago my husband and I became consumed with the possibility of saving for and buying a house. I was thinking about it constantly. It dominated my thoughts and eventually my prayers. I soon recognized that it had become an idol. I had to immerse myself in the Word to restore God to His rightful place in my heart and mind. We still hold that dream but it is no longer an idol for me. If God makes a way for it, great. But I do not let it consume me anymore.
Lysa states: "God is interested in my character, not my comfort". Well now. Lysa tells the story of how pure smooth silver is made. Here is the process: Heat, pound, turn, heat, pound, turn, heat, pound, turn. You get the picture. This is the same process God uses to purify and "holyfy" us (yeah I know I made that word up but it works for me!) Lysa says: "Don't rush through what God intends for you to learn today. Stay close to Him, be open to His teachings, be faithful in the rehearsals - opening night is on its way. "
In the personal questions Lysa asks us to write a prayer thanking God for His hesed or unfailing love. I'll share mine:
Thank You Father God for Your hesed. You have never forsaken me, even when I felt as if You had. I've been in the desert Lord and it is a hard place. But You were and are always there for me. May I never forget how much You love me and how faithfully and consistently. Thank You for loving, caring, preparing, protecting and guarding me. Amen
Chapter 17 God's Dream, God's Way
Chapter 17 starts the resurrection phase. We're not at the fully realized dream yet but we are close. As Lysa describes it, I was reminded of baking cookies. As the cookies bake you can begin to smell their wonderful aroma. Oh yes, you can almost taste them. But if you take one out now, you'll be eating half-baked cookie dough. YUCK! Our dreams are the same way. If we try to run ahead of God and make things happen, we wind up with a half-baked mess that doesn't quite resemble our dream. In fact it's disappointing.
Lysa says that "God's dream must be experienced God's way." What that means for us is that we might have to wait. Oh how that feels like we're wasting time. At least for me it does. Lysa though gives us something to do while God finishes His preparations, including preparing us.
- Do not lose confidence in God's goodness
- Be strong
- Do not lose hope
- Let God be your shield and your help
- Be patient
- Continue to cry out to God
- Cling to His Word
- Watch for His answers
- Trust in His unfailing love
- Rejoice in His redemption
Hmm that sure doesn't sound much like "waiting" as we generally think of it. So I encourage you as I encourage myself to wait on the Lord. Just as the timer tells us our cookies are done and ready to eat, God will let you know when the promise is fulfilled. And there will be nothing half-baked about it!
Be sure to get ready for our next study starting September 23. We'll be studying Lisa Whittle's book, "Behind Those Eyes". Go here to read more about it: Next Study.

You always have such great insight! I can really relate to the house thing. I remember when we re-roofed our house I became obsessed with the fact I had an ugly shingle put on when I saw a house just like ours that looked so homey and ours didn't....all because of the different shingle. Weird how our minds can go astray so quickly. Glad you recognized it and brought it under God. And you are so right my sweet sister, He will provide and what a dwelling it will be. What was that again? God's Plan, God's Way? :)
So glad you're joining the next study too. I can hardly wait!! I was just thumbing through it seconds ago and it takes everything in me to not get a jump start, but I won't. :)
Love ya,
Thanks for your encouragement with my girl. I so wish she'd go back to being like yours are now.
~So I encourage you as I encourage myself to wait on the Lord. Just as the timer tells us our cookies are done and ready to eat, God will let you know when the promise is fulfilled. And there will be nothing half-baked about it!~
I love that statement! Very visual...which you know I love.;)
And I loved your comment today (and so did Shannon!); I think he is a "hottie" too.;)
God Bless,
Hi, Mari! I am loving this book too! These last few chapters are really good ones, aren't they? I've really enjoyed sharing with you, and can't wait to dig into Lisa Whittle's book together!
Ouch...al the work we do on and in or ouse...makes me re-examine this idol thing. Those 10 items Lysa listed iwth the concept of "active waiting" I did not highlight the first time I read it...how I am highlighting them now after these last few days!!
Thank you for your prayers and your offers of comfort!!
In His Graces~Pamela
Your prayer is simply precious!
And I loved the thought of nothing being half-baked when we go the distance with God.
Run to Him instead of away. *Jonah*
I am the new syster on the block.
I ordered my copy of "Behind Those
Eyes by Lisa Whittle." I am so
looking forward to this study, and
getting to know all of you.
Are there any instructions I need
to know...like how do we go about
this study. Does the moderater
post her notes and we do the same?
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