Sunday, August 24, 2008


I spent a good part of Saturday afternoon at the urgent care center with my youngest beauty. We are waiting on confirmation from the radiologist, but it appears she may have broken a bone in her foot. She's hoping this is not the case because cheerleading tryouts start this Thursday.

So what did I learn about God in this experience? Well let's start at the beginning of the story.

Her foot was injured Friday night during a sleep over. There were four extra girls at our house. As usual when there are girls over (and who else would be sleeping over since we have two daughters), hubby and I closed our bedroom door. That's just his thing. He feels more comfortable that way. The girls know if they need us to barge in like they usually do, I mean knock. They all slept in my older beauty's room because it's the larger of their rooms.

Apparently, my little beauty was trying to go potty around 3 AM. She got out of bed, tripped over one of the girls sleeping on the floor and slammed her foot into the dresser. OW! Now the logical thing to do is to get mom or dad. But no, she and her friends tried to "handle" the situation because, after all, the door was closed and it would be rude to wake me. And besides, they knew what to do.

Aren't we like that? Perhaps we experience a trial or have a decision to make. The logical (and wise) thing to do is to seek God so that He can impart His wisdom to us. But what do we do sometimes? We start worrying, calling our friends for their opinions, or we start devising a plan. We never even think to ask God. But that is just what He wants us to do. The Bible tells us to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1Peter 5:7, NIV)

So I did not have the benefit of icing it down, administering anti-inflammatory medication or elevating the foot. When I discovered her grossly enlarged foot the next morning, I found out what had transpired. I had no idea if we needed a doctor visit or if it was just sprained. I was upset that she did not come to me (or send her sister since she could not walk on it). I pleaded with her to make sure she came to me right away if another such emergency occurred. I am certain God feels the same way. He is always there, waiting to help when we call. David said "Evening, morning and noon, I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice" (Psalm 55:17, NIV)

Around noon, after finally having done the things I would have done the night before, my husband and I made the decision that an urgent care visit was in order. I helped her get dressed because she could not put any weight on the injured foot. In order to get her to the car, I got on her right side so she could use me as her "weight bearer". This reminded me of the scripture that says, "Carry each other's burdens" (Galations 6:2, NIV). I was happy to do it. In the same way we need to rely on God and also those He sends to provide assistance. Let's not get too proud to receive a little burden sharing and carrying.

At the urgent care center we sat for a long, long, long time. I was okay until a lady that came in one hour after we had arrived was called to see the doctor. Then yet another person, who had only been there 45 minutes was called to see the doctor.

Being in momma bear mode at this point in the day, my gut instinct was to get irate. After all, we had "only" been sitting there for over 2.5 hours! I thank the Holy Spirit for whispering this verse to my heart, "If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you." (Proverbs 25:21-22, NIV)

I put on my "nice lady" voice and asked when my daughter would be seen since we'd been there almost three hours. I mentioned that other people who came in after us had been called. The one lady tried the "let's act indignant" attitude with me, but I just smiled. I wanted to strangle her (Lord forgive me for thinking that but that's the truth) but I smiled. One of the nurses heard what was going on and said "I'm not sure what happened but your daughter will go next and we will make sure the doctor sees her before the others who were just called." YES! I could see that someone had messed up because she gave the indignant lady one of those looks you give your kids when they've messed up and you want them to know there will be a "talking to" later.

This turned out to be the nurse who waited on us. She was great. We saw the doctor right after they took x-rays. The doctor was lovely to us as well. I wondered how this would have played out had I been rude earlier. Maybe not so well.

The x-rays require a second opinion from a radiologist. They think she has a fracture at the base of her big toe (well it's actually further down than where we think the big toe "ends'). We have to wait for the final word. We were given instructions to follow in the interim. My daughter was none too happy about the "blue shoe". She thinks it's hideous and messes with her "coolness" I was tickled so I said "What-evah, you gotta wear it girlie." I like to tease her because she takes it all in stride.

The blue shoe also inspired a "God thought". How often are we waiting for an answer to a prayer. God may instruct us to do some things that we don't really want to do. But they are necessary during our waiting period. Maybe it's necessary because it is part of our answer.

Think back to the story of Naaman (2 Kings 5). Elisha told Naaman to wash himself seven times in the River Jordan to be healed of his leprosy. Naaman had no desire to do that because 1. It sounded ridiculous, 2. the Jordan seemed to be inferior water to him than other waters and 3, He wanted "personal" attention from Elisha. He did finally do it after whining a while. And the result? He was healed. Is my daughter wearing her sporting new blue shoe? Yep! Does she like it? Nope! But she understands that this will aid in the healing process. This time, prudence wins out over fashion!

So now we wait for our answer. Once we get the answer we'll know the next steps to take to make sure her foot heals, whatever the problem truly is. And my link to God on this one?

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." (Psalm 27:14, NIV)
"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope" (Psalm 130:5, NIV)


LeeBird3 said...

Sorry about the hurt foot, but God surely has already used it for good to teach you! Better than the whole "foot in mouth" disease, right? :)

Runner Mom said...

Bless your sweet little heart!!! I am so sorry about her foot--and cheeleader tryouts!!! Oh, my! Hope she feels better soon.

I am so very proud of your actions in the waiting room. THe mama bear comes out in all of us at times--and she ain't purdy! Mari, you allowed God to work through you and show his kindness in this situation. You go, Mama Bear!

Love you,

Amy said...

I'm so sorry that your baby is hurting, and I will say a prayer for her.

I love though that you were able to see God's activity and hear His voice through the whole situation.
That is faith in action!

These verses that you shared~

"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you." (Proverbs 25:21-22, NIV) ~

really spoke to me too. I gave these same verses to my boys just this past week. They were both dealing with a "friend" that was truly trying to aggravate them for whatever her twisted reasons were, and I gave them both those verses.

The old saying, "Kill them with kindness!" also comes to mind. Sometimes it is so difficult to do, but it is always worth it to do it.

I'll be praying for your daughter. Keep us posted.

God Bless,

Audra Krell said...

What a great post. I love it! I so hope it's not broken in the growth plate, those foot fractures are so hard to see! One of my sons has broken 8 bones in his 12 years, so I know the "pain" of their breaks. Sometimes I just know it's harder on us!