Friday, December 31, 2010

Ending the Year

Well, the last few minutes of 2010 are upon us. I was trying to decide what to write about as my last post of 2010. I thought I would leave you with two important things I want to take with me into 2011.

One: I need to watch my expectations when it comes to other people. I tend to set them pretty high. The problem with that is if they don't live up to those expectations, it is frustrating for me. That frustration invariably spills over into my relationship with them. It wouldn't be as bad if they know what those expectation were. They usually don't. And that's not fair to them.

So for 2011 - Watch my expectations of others

Two: God is bigger than any problem. He's already working on the problem. I need to be patient and wait for Him. Simple to say. Not always easy to live out. He's Lord of all. Period. My feelings do not equal His power over and in the situation.

So, for 2011 - Remember Jesus is Lord above all. Period.

Are there any lessons from 2010 you are taking into 2011?

Be safe and be blessed this New Years Eve and in 2011.


Connie Arnold said...

That's a great lesson, Mari. You can't beat that one, remembering that Jesus is Lord of all. Happy New Year and blessings to you!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva said...

Great post. You're right it's not fair if they don't know and you allow it to impede your relationship, however, I suppose the question would then be how much do you value that relationship? On another note and yet along the same lines I've learned a lot via client/coach, ministry and other relationships and have since followed something I've shared with many women and that is in your role as a mentor,coach, ministry leader etc. resist the urge to serve with expectation of what they'll give back. Some will show appreciation and others will simply detach. If you've done your job then all is well you can move on in peace. Hmmmm seems that peace has been a theme for me. LOL And yes Jesus is LORD above ALL. Period.